Semantic Segmentation

"Review of semantic & instance segmentation"

Posted by vince on November 15, 2020

Semantic Segmentation Architectures

Until state-of-the-art networks for segmentation:

1. FCN


2. LinkNet


3. UNet


4. SegNet


5. DeepLab


Evaluation Metrics

Dice coefficient: intersection over Union-like metric. Image where,

  • p_i is prediction for pixel i;
  • y_i is ground truth for pixel i;
  • N is the total number of pixels on the image.

Loss for Semantic Segmentation

Soft-Dice Loss:
The ground truth annotation can be represented as a sum of true positives and false negatives of every class.
The predicted pixels are a sum of true and false positives across all classes.
How to turn DC metric into a loss function?
Dice coefficient compares two discrete masks and, therefore, it is a discrete function. To make a loss function out of it, we need to come up with a differentiable function. So, instead of thresholded values like 0 and 1, we can make floating point probabilities in the range of [0, 1]. The function that can help us doing so is a negative logarithm. (Just recall classification cross-entropy loss which also uses negative logarithm for the same reasons). Image