
A post-90s computer vision engineer's blog

Before destination it is all about journey

Hi,我是Xunzhe Wen 文勋喆,一个计算机视觉/机器学习的热爱者,分别于中南大学(中国长沙),和渥太华大学(加拿大渥太华)获得本科与研究生学位。目前在位于加拿大安大略省的一家创业公司任职计算机视觉工程师(Computer Vision Engineer)。

我在工作中负责公司视觉软件的开发,包括目标检测,图像分类,图像配准(刚性与非刚性),数据分析建模等等,并将软件部署到IOS, Android平台。我自己的兴趣也是能学习和实现很多炫酷的机器学习算法,特别是计算机视觉方向,来解决有意思的问题。



我的CV技能倾向于使用OpenCV, Dlib库,在机器学习框架中熟悉Tensorflow, Pyrorch.

Before destination it’s all about journey

Hi, I am Xunzhe Wen, a computer vision engineer. My interests range from machine learning in general to indurstial AI algorithm.

I am working on computer vision system development (Object Detection, Deformable image registration) and mobile deployment under the a start-up located at Western Ontario Area, Canada.

I studied BA, Biomedical Engineering at Central South University and MS, Computer Engineering at University of Ottawa, with a focus on computer vision and data analysis.

My Skill Spectrum

I generally prefer using OpenCV and Dlib for Computer Vision task, and I also use Machine Learning framework Tensorflow, Pytorch for build AI models.